Kabbalah spiritual guidance is intended to assist clients in spiritual growth, self-actualization, and living a meaningful life. The practitioner will help the client to establish and advance her or his own bond with the Divine, facilitate subsequent communication with the Divine, as well as aid the client in understanding and discerning between emerging insights and apprehensions. The ensuing spiritual growth may entail internal transformation, leading to self-actualization, enhanced well-being, and a meaningful life.
The Kabbalistic modality of spiritual growth provides a context and techniques for methodical spiritual development. Understanding the ontological structure of the universe and recognizing an individual’s role in creation can point one in the direction of spiritual development. An epistemological introspection into the nature of consciousness can elicit valuable insights. Mindfulness meditation can increase self-awareness and refine perception. Concentrative meditation and guided imagery can invigorate dull niches of mind and soul, as well as foster an ascent into higher states of consciousness. Contemplative meditation can help one apprehend and internalize the purpose of being, leading toward a meaningful life.
Several scientific studies have shown that different elements of spiritual practice (e.g., long-term involvement in spiritual practice, meditation, and guided imagery) are associated with various positive psychological and physiological outcomes, including enhanced subjective well-being (Davis et al, 2003; Wink & Dillon, 2003; Witter, Stock, Okun, & Haring, 1985), higher self-esteem (Falbo & Shepperd, 1986), greater marital satisfaction (Glenn & Weaver, 1978), less stress (O’Donnell, Maurice, & Beattie, 2002; Shafer & Greenfield, 2002), better physical health (Gottlieb & Green, 1984), and a stronger immune system (Davidson et al, 2003; Donaldson, 2000; Hall, Anderson, & O’Grady, 1994; Rider, Achterberg, Lawlis, & Goven, 1990).
Davidson, R. J., Kabat-Zinn, J., & Schumacher, J. (2003). Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65 (4), 564-570.
Davis, T. L., Kerr, B. A., & Robinson-Kurpius S. E. (2003). Meaning, purpose, and religiosity in at-risk youth: The relationship between anxiety and spirituality. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 31 (4), 356.
Donaldson, V. W. (2000). A clinical study of visualization on depressed white blood cell count in medical patients. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 25 (2), 230-235.
Glenn, N. D., & Weaver, C. N., (1978). A multi-variat, multi-survey study of marital happiness. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 40, 269-282.
Gottleib, N. H., & Green, L. W. (1984). Life events, social network, life-style, and health: An analysis of the 1979 national survey of personal health practices and consequences. Health Education Quarterly, 11, 91-105.
Falbo, T. & Shcppcrd, J. A. (1986). Self-righteousness: Cognitive, power and religious characteristics. Journal of Research in Personality, 20, 145-157.
Hall, N. R. S., Anderson, J. A., & O’Grady, M. P. (1994). Stress and immunity in humans: Modifying variables. In R. Glaser & J. K. Kiecolt-Glaser (Eds.), Handbook of human stress and immunity (pp. 183-215). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
O’Donnell, J. J., Maurice, S. C., & Beattie, T. F. (2002). Emergency analgesia in the paediatric population: Part III non-pharmacological measures of pain relief and anxiolysis. Emergency Medicine Journal, 19 (3), 195-197.
Rider, M. S., Achterberg, J., Lawlis, G. F., & Goven, A. (1990). Effect of immune system imagery on secretory IgA. Biofeedback and Self-regulation, 15, 317-333.
Shafer, K. & Greenfield, F. (2002). Asthma free in 21 days: The breakthrough mind-body healing program. New York: Harper-Collins.
Wink, P., & Dillon, M. (2003). Religiousness, spirituality, and psychosocial functioning in late adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study. Psychology and Aging, 18 (4), 916.
Witter, R.A., Stock, W.A., Okun, M.A., & Haring, MJ. (1985). Religion and subjective well-being in adulthood: A quantitative synthesis. Review of Religious Research, 26, 332-342.